

The United States clothing sale, foreign trade orders drop significantly, weaving factories in coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang drop again

"Nine gold and ten silver" has always been a saying in the textile industry, and its status is not inferior to the "Xiaoyangchun" from March to May. It sells exceptionally well in September and October compared with any other month in the same year. Investigate its reason, one is industry law. Entering September is equivalent to entering the fourth quarter. Apparel enterprises are faced with domestic Double 11, the Christmas season of foreign trade, the annual sales target and other reasons, which will promote sales. The second is the weather. Enter 9 AUTUMN COOL, SUIT THE SALE OF NEW SEASON DRESS, AND RESEMBLE July August HIGH TEMPERATURE OFF-SEASON, EVEN IF AGAIN HOT MARKET, CARRYING HOT SUMMER TO SELL CLOTH ALSO IS A KIND OF TORTURE. As time passes, it has become a habit of seasonal sales of cloth market.

Whether there's still life in American clothing sale cotton
Textile and clothing retail chains across the United States have begun discounting for the first time in a decade, meaning that lower-than-expected cotton production in Pakistan due to flooding could offset demand for imported cotton. Textile mills in the U.S. and Western countries are preparing to suspend production from now through the Christmas holidays for anywhere from a week to a month, with many planning to operate fewer days a week, as end consumption continues to fall, U.S. industry experts said. Either way, the factory will have to absorb the unbearable pressure of yarn inventory. A futures brokerage in the United States believes that ICE cotton futures fell below the early lows, the main contract has continued to slide to 70 cents, the United States and Pakistan cotton production is unable to bring enough support to the market, the core problem of the current market is the economic growth slowdown brought about by the demand decline.

Foreign trade orders fell significantly, and domestic trade actually fell alone
In terms of industry, under the expectation of the "gold, nine, silver and ten" peak season, the downstream market picked up in September, but the good times did not last long. In October, the market demand stagnated again, and the confidence in the afternoon market continued to fall, setting off a "cold wave" in advance.
Textile market experienced a brief wave of orders and destocking in September, the recent cooling is obvious. National Day cloth more holidays, some up to now is also open stop state. The opening rate of Foshan circular machine is about 40%, lower than last month, but the inventory of cloth is not high, about 20-30 days. From the perspective of the foreign trade market, although the depreciation of the renminbi, the decline in sea freight and other exports formed a positive, but in Xinjiang cotton ban and global consumption slowdown under the impact of foreign trade enterprises reflect that the order is still a significant decline.
The domestic demand is still greatly affected by the repeated epidemic. Lofting orders increased in spring and summer, but mainly for human cotton, chemical fiber, differentiated and other varieties. The orders of pure cotton are low, and the small sample orders are not many. The demand is not optimistic, which makes the inventory of the warehouse willing to be low, and it is generally believed that the price of raw materials will further fall, so it will try to reduce the procurement scale, mainly to buy with use.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Guangdong and other coastal areas weaving factory opening rate fell again
Compared with the frequent fluctuation of the upstream raw material market, not only the grey cloth price has been falling in the past half a month, but also the inventory accumulation rate of a large part of small and medium-sized textile factories has increased, and the pressure of production, sales and payment collection has increased. Shandong Texas, said a medium-sized FangQi in assaying the fineness of textile industry "golden nine silver ten" is not enough, and parts of the recent outbreak appears repeatedly, the prevention and control measures, the coastal areas of jiangsu and zhejiang, guangdong and other weaving mill machine after the middle of August to the middle of September after the short rebound fell again, business single, single, great changes have taken place the mindset of purchasing raw materials.

In general, experienced the upstream chemical fiber raw material market after the sharp decline of the market, but also faced with external trade situation on the terminal textile and clothing export market suppression. In the state of mind to buy up do not buy down, this September, October textile market tepid fire, can not afford to bear the name of "peak season".

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